Phillip Good

Phillip I. Good (born in 1937) is a Canadian-American mathematical statistician. He was educated at McGill University and the University of California at Berkeley.

He was among the first to apply the bootstrap in his 1975 analyses of 2×2 designs with a missing cell [1]. His chief contributions to statistics are in the area of small sample statistics, including a uniformly most powerful unbiased (UMPU) permutation test for Type I censored data [2], an exact test for comparing variances, and an exact test for cross-over designs [3].

His published texts in statistics include the following:

He has published articles in

He has published nine texts on the application of microcomputers in business as well as several hundred articles on microcomputers in over a dozen different computer magazines. He is the writer of some 21 mss of novels and two collections of short stories he self-published in the vanity press called

  1. ^ Reduced humeral immune activity in long-lived mice (with T. Makinodan, JW Albright, CP Peter, and ML Heidrick), Immunology 31(76)400.
  2. ^ Globally almost most powerful tests for censored data, J Nonpar Statist 1(92)253-262.
  3. ^ Good P. and Xie F. Analysis of a crossover clinical trial by permutation methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2008; 29:565-568